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Levi, Ray & Shoup, Inc.

Printing and Document Viewing for Mainframe Rehosting

Mainframe Rehosting Solutions

Documents play a key role in most business processes. Yet many application modernization efforts fail to anticipate the impact of system changes on document-related workflows.

Often the question “how will we print and view documents in the new environment?” is not asked until very late in the migration process.

VPSX Enterprise™ software provides reliable document delivery to printers and web-based document viewing facilities to replace legacy document archive tools. The capabilities of the solution, combined with the ability to communicate with LRS software running on a legacy system, simplify the platform migration process. LRS software runs on all popular enterprise computing platforms, giving migration project teams additional flexibility.

Modernization Challenges and LRS Solutions

When porting legacy IBM mainframe applications to open systems platforms, many basic elements of the printing infrastructure become unavailable. For example, there is no open systems equivalent to the Job Execution System (JES) spool used to manage mainframe print jobs. The VPSX Enterprise solution acts as a functional replacement to the JES spool, eliminating the need for modernization teams to deploy numerous costly Windows® print servers or develop new document management facilities from scratch.

Modernizing Success | Together with... application modernization partners, we provide proven solutions to help modernization teams save both time and money.

Decades of experience managing output mainframe output

LRS has over four decades of experience in providing document capture, delivery, management, and viewing/archiving software for legacy environments. Together with Micro Focus InternationalClerity Solutions, and other application modernization partners, we provide proven document connectivity and formatting solutions to help modernization teams save both time and money.

LRS software prevents document problems from derailing your modernization efforts. Find out how LRS can save you time and money while improving your output environment.

Modernization Options

LRS offers VPSX/DPE (Dell Processing Environment), an application interface specifically for Dell users. The interface was developed in conjunction with Dell.

VPSX/MFI (Micro Focus™ by OpenText™ Interface) product provides a functional replacement for your JES-based legacy output infrastructure. This minimizes application changes needed when migrating legacy applications using Micro Focus Enterprise by OpenText Application Modernization tools.

Cloud Printing

SaaS, PaaS or to run your own Cloud Printing Solution on Premise

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Managed Services

Print Scan and Output Management Cloud Service

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SAP Output Management

SAP Certified Scan, Print and Output Management

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EMR Output

Improving healthcare printing & document delivery for faster, better patient care

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