Over the last 16 months, our readers have endured post after post after post detailing the progress of LRS’ campus expansion. To recap, the original four buildings of the LRS campus were torn down, everyone was packed into the remaining office space, and we’ve been fighting over parking spaces ever since.

At long last, the time has come to move into our new home. As painters and assorted contractors put the finishing touches on the latest addition to the corporate headquarters campus, employees from several LRS divisions packed up our belongings and prepared to move to our new digs.

Since all of the buildings on the campus are now connected by overhead walkways, my colleagues and I had many options for moving our belongings. Some grabbed their boxes and simply trekked over to their new offices…

Others re-purposed their kids’ soccer wagons…

Most of us took our turns using the dozen or so carts and dollies purchased for the move.

Some people were too impatient to wait for the carts to return, opting to load up office chairs and even backpacks to speed up the process.

All morning and well into the late afternoon, those moving to Building 9 beat a path through the skywalks with their belongings.

Then came time to unpack and settle in the new workspace. All of the new desks can be raised and lowered with the touch of a button, allowing employees to switch from a sitting or standing position in a matter of seconds.

Prior to the move, our internal IT staff spent days moving printers from all over LRS Building 7 to the brand new printer testing lab, located in the center of the 4th floor. To ensure that our embedded MFPsecure pull printing software works reliably on a variety of devices, LRS printing hardware partners provide us MFPs, printers and other equipment for use by our Product Development, Quality Assurance, and Support teams.

LRS has always been a “work hard, play hard” organization, and the health club, pool, and racquetball courts we’ve enjoyed since 1989 are still a short stroll away in Building 5. In addition to these, the new building features a rec room with a balcony, pool table, foosball, and other games to help employees blow off steam.

This week, our technical teams are in the process of interviewing candidates for LRS’ college internship program, so this room has gotten a lot of attention… and suggestions for how to make it better. Many of the best ideas came from participants in last year’s internship class who have recently completed their studies and joined LRS as full-time employees.
As happy as I am about my new workspace, fancy desk, and undefeated status in the foosball rankings, the thing I am most excited about may seem mundane. Readers who have been following each successive Blog during this year-and-a-half construction project know that one of the biggest challenges has been the shortage of parking space.

Problem solved. Not only is there now an abundance of empty parking spaces, those of us who drive electric vehicles have access to free charging stations available to any LRS employee. Along with the planned roof-top solar power generation panels, recycling facilities, and energy saving features of the new LRS headquarters, these underscore LRS’ commitment to minimizing the impact of our business and employees on our environment.

It’s been a long road, but in the end, we’re very happy to be in our new home. We wish you all a great start to the New Year.