After recovering from last year’s Citrix Synergy event in Orlando, one question kept running through my colleague Paul Conklin’s mind: how many people will we need to bring to handle the crowds at the next Synergy show?
The answer came back from the management team: do the best you can with seven people. Good luck.

As usual, this year’s crowds were remarkable, and our intrepid booth staff gave an incredible number of product demos over the course of the show. Anyone who has worked in a trade show booth knows the mixed blessing that the “slow times” bring at such a large event. On one hand, it gives staff a chance to catch their breath and prepare for the next wave of traffic. On the other hand, low traffic can lead to long, boring days in the booth.
Boredom wasn’t a problem this year.

As a member of the Citrix Ready program, LRS acts as both a provider of print management software solutions and a trusted advisor to help Citrix customers overcome all types of virtual printing issues. The nature of the LRS solution makes it the only true enterprise level end-to-end print offering that can handle printing from VDI environments, LOB back-end applications, and all manner of desktop and mobile clients. As usual, simple questions about printing from a thin client often led to a deeper conversation about business processes, regulatory compliance, encryption, and more.

After long days on the floor, our after-hours ice luge event once again provided a welcome opportunity to relax and get to know customers in a less stressful setting. Our hand-carved ice sculptures once again brought in curious crowds who wanted to know what polar bears, penguins, and icebergs had to do with printing or computing.
Answer: like the visible portion of an iceberg, the print problems your IT staff and end users face every day are just a fraction of the overall problems your organization is experiencing. By looking below the surface and addressing the deeper print and output management challenges in your organization, you can save money and optimize your business processes to beat the competition.