Last year, I needed some supplies for one of the many construction projects around my house, which led me to a specialty hardware shop outside of town. As the owner filled out my receipt with a ball point pen and handed me my — literal carbon — copy, I spotted an old sign behind the cash register declaring “In God We Trust. All Others Pay Cash.”
That may seem a quaint sentiment these days, but it points to a timeless business concept: trust. The more important a product or service is to an organization’s success, the more they need to believe in the other party. For nearly four decades, LRS has built a reputation as a trusted supplier of scalable output management software around the world. But as we move into the world of managed services, we’ve encountered many new organizations that have no experience with LRS as a service provider. (Somewhat ironic, since we started out in 1979 doing exactly that.)
ISO 27001 Certification: The Seal of Approval
For this reason, LRS hired Schellman & Company LLP (Schellman), a leading provider of compliance and attestation services, to perform a certification audit of our LRS Managed Services offering. As a result of their extensive 12 month review, we were granted an initial 3-year ISO 27001 certification for our LRS Managed Services solution.

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What does this mean for organizations looking to outsource the management of their document environments? For one, it means that a highly-experienced team of auditors has asked the tough questions about our software, the team of experts who support it, the Microsoft Azure-based Cloud architecture where it is hosted, and every aspect of security involved in delivering this service on behalf of your organization.
When evaluating a solution, do you ask a provider to certify their data protection processes? To document their backup and failover procedures? To provide background information on key personnel involved in delivering the services across multiple time zones and continents? Schellman did.
As a result of their work, you can be confident in the quality of the LRS Managed Services offering. From our award-winning output management software to the proven Azure-based Cloud architecture, to our teams of experts certified in industry best practices, LRS has covered all the bases. And we’ve hired outside experts to confirm it.
In the 1980s, former U.S. president Ronald Reagan often touted the wisdom of the phrase “Trust, but verify.” In the case of LRS Managed Services, you can do the former, confident in the knowledge that Schellman and LRS have spent the majority of the last year doing the latter. We invite you to do your own due diligence, then contact us for more information.