Need more than what LRS CloudPrint® offers?
Maybe your operation needs a print solution that provides more flexibility and options than LRS CloudPrint.
LRS® Enterprise Output Management solutions handle all aspects of document capture, delivery, storage, scanning, and accounting and work for organizations of any size.
Our flagship products include:
- VPSX®, provides robust, scalable output and print management for UNIX®, Linux®, Windows® and other distributed environments and is easy to implement. VPSX can be run in the a private or hybrid cloud environment in environments like Microsoft Azure® or Amazon® AWS.
- VPSX has integrated solutions for healthcare EMR Software like Cerner Millennium®, Epic®, GE® and Siemens Soarian® and ERP solutions like SAP®.
- MFPsecure®/Scan software can run on numerous touchscreen-enabled MFPs from most leading print hardware manufacturers.
- LRS® MFPsecure®/Print provides secure document queuing and print release capabilities for a fully-integrated pull printing environment.
For 40 years, we’ve been in the business of simplifying printing. Our solutions enable organizations to control cost and optimize document-related business processes, all the while providing better service to everyone from internal users to suppliers, to customers, and beyond.
To learn more about LRS Output Management Solutions, click here.